This Week's Training Topic

Income Producing Time

Income Producing Time

March 29, 20242 min read

“Managing Time is Out, Managing Focus is In”

Time Management MythBuster: Focus, Not "Managing"

Forget juggling schedules and squeezing out minutes! Time "management" is a misleading illusion. We all have the same 24 hours, but the real game changer is time utilization: investing your precious hours in the activities that truly matter.

This is where Income Producing Time (IPT) takes center stage. These are the golden hours dedicated to activities that directly generate revenue – think prospecting, networking, and sales meetings. Everything else falls under Non-Income Producing Time (NIP), and while essential, it shouldn't encroach on your income-generating zone.


Think of it like this:

  • Sun shines = IPT: When the opportunities are ripe, you're out there connecting, building relationships, and closing deals.

  • Shade = NIP: Emails, marketing, proposals – all crucial, but done during non-prime hours to fuel your income-generating engine.

So, how do you become a time utilization rockstar?

Protecting Your IPT:

  • Calendar Blocks: Mark your calendar with sacred IPT blocks. Treat them like VIP guests – no interruptions allowed!

  • Distraction Destroyer: Silence notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and create a focus haven. Let the world know you're unavailable.

  • Buffer Builder: Schedule padding around your IPT blocks for those unexpected NIP emergencies.

  • Pomodoro Power: Unleash the magic of the Pomodoro Timer. 25 minutes of laser focus, followed by a short break – rinse and repeat for maximum efficiency.

Maximizing Your IPT:

  • Prospecting Priority: Block out prospecting time just like any other crucial appointment. Treat it with the respect it deserves.

  • Planning Perfection: Pre-plan your prospecting efforts. Know who you're targeting, how you'll reach them, and what message you'll deliver.

  • Ideal Prospect Pursuit: Understand your ideal client and tailor your approach accordingly. Don't waste precious time on misfits.

  • CRM Champion: Embrace a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to organize your contacts, prioritize follow-ups, and stay on top of the game.

  • Sorting vs. Convincing: Shift your mindset. Your job isn't to convince everyone; it's to sort out the right prospects and focus your energy on those who truly align with your value proposition.

Remember, it's not about "managing" time, it's about making the most of it. Prioritize your IPT like a pro, utilize tools and techniques, and watch your income soar! What are your favorite time utilization tips?

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Income Producing Time

Income Producing Time

March 29, 20242 min read

“Managing Time is Out, Managing Focus is In”

Time Management MythBuster: Focus, Not "Managing"

Forget juggling schedules and squeezing out minutes! Time "management" is a misleading illusion. We all have the same 24 hours, but the real game changer is time utilization: investing your precious hours in the activities that truly matter.

This is where Income Producing Time (IPT) takes center stage. These are the golden hours dedicated to activities that directly generate revenue – think prospecting, networking, and sales meetings. Everything else falls under Non-Income Producing Time (NIP), and while essential, it shouldn't encroach on your income-generating zone.


Think of it like this:

  • Sun shines = IPT: When the opportunities are ripe, you're out there connecting, building relationships, and closing deals.

  • Shade = NIP: Emails, marketing, proposals – all crucial, but done during non-prime hours to fuel your income-generating engine.

So, how do you become a time utilization rockstar?

Protecting Your IPT:

  • Calendar Blocks: Mark your calendar with sacred IPT blocks. Treat them like VIP guests – no interruptions allowed!

  • Distraction Destroyer: Silence notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and create a focus haven. Let the world know you're unavailable.

  • Buffer Builder: Schedule padding around your IPT blocks for those unexpected NIP emergencies.

  • Pomodoro Power: Unleash the magic of the Pomodoro Timer. 25 minutes of laser focus, followed by a short break – rinse and repeat for maximum efficiency.

Maximizing Your IPT:

  • Prospecting Priority: Block out prospecting time just like any other crucial appointment. Treat it with the respect it deserves.

  • Planning Perfection: Pre-plan your prospecting efforts. Know who you're targeting, how you'll reach them, and what message you'll deliver.

  • Ideal Prospect Pursuit: Understand your ideal client and tailor your approach accordingly. Don't waste precious time on misfits.

  • CRM Champion: Embrace a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to organize your contacts, prioritize follow-ups, and stay on top of the game.

  • Sorting vs. Convincing: Shift your mindset. Your job isn't to convince everyone; it's to sort out the right prospects and focus your energy on those who truly align with your value proposition.

Remember, it's not about "managing" time, it's about making the most of it. Prioritize your IPT like a pro, utilize tools and techniques, and watch your income soar! What are your favorite time utilization tips?

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